30 years of Hamburg Ultimate-Tournament
Join us on may 16th and 17th to celebrate 30 years of Ultimate in Hamburg
- 2 days of high to mid level mixed ultimate, several German club teams in direct preparation for national XEUCF qualification in competition
- 12 teams, we are trying to get at least 4 international teams
- 2 fields in Hamburg´s green center "Stadtpark", accommodation in a gym (10 min walking distance)
- Win a free participation for one person for Hamburg hosted beach HAT tournament "Copa Pescadisco" in Mallorca in October at the beer race! (>Copa Pescadisco)
- Friday welcome session with local specialities "Köhm un Aal" (Eel and local shot)
- Breakfast saturday and sunday, food at the fields as usual for reasonable prices
- Saturday party in world famous red light district (on Reeperbahn, 20 min tube ride from fields, all night serviced)
- Your chance to visit Germany's most beautiful city (public transport tickets for 5€ /weekend available from hvv.de)
- no guarrantee for good weather
- SCHEDULE (German): Schedule - Round Robin
Teams that are in preparation for Mixed Division at XEUCF are prioritized if they bid for a spot!Map
{mosmap width='600'|height='500'|kml='http://maps.google.de/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=de&vps=1&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=101290591318601794125.0004659ea6796730fd826&output=kml'}
(click on marks on map for details)
- To be announced soon, we will try to keep it as cheap as possible!
Registered Teams (March 24th)
- Fischbees 1
- Fischbees 2
- Tekielas (Kiel, Germany)
- Kobold (Bremen/Oldenburg Coop, Germany)
- T'n'T (Lübeck - Lüneburg - Bremen Blue Flippers Coop, Germanny)
- Friesengeister (Emden, Germany)
- your name here